Narcissistic Personality Disorder – One of the more common personality disorders, those with narcissistic personality disorder have distorted perceptions of their sense of self-worth. Many of the issues surrounding this disorder stem from the individual's deep sense of entitlement, which makes them believe they deserve special treatment. People with this disorder typically display five or more of the following:
- Overblown sense of self-importance – exaggerates achievements and talents; expects recognition for "superior" performance without accompanying achievements.
- Envious of others – often secretly jealous of others or believes that others are jealous of him
- Exploits others – manipulates and takes advantage of others to facilitate meeting her goals
- Powerful sense of entitlement – expects an unreasonable level of special treatment and demands automatic compliance with his expectations
- Lack of empathy – inability or refusal to recognize the needs and feelings of others as valid and important
- Arrogant, haughty behavior – displays typically arrogant and haughty attitudes toward anyone who crosses her
- Preoccupied with fantasies of superiority – often lost in daydreams of unlimited success, brilliance, exemplary beauty, and power
- Belief in his or own "special" status – the narcissist believes he is special and unique and only high-status people or institutions are worthy of his company